Arcflat Fixturing Table
The Arcflat Fixturing Table is a 36" x 48" cast iron welding fixturing table, near the welding machines in the metal shop. The table has 5/8" holes on 2" centers.
Universal Safety
- Be aware of your surroundings, especially when handling large materials.
- Do not approach anyone operating equipment. Stand patiently in their field of view.
Equipment-Specific Safety
No special class is required to use the table, but to use the welding machines, you must take the MIG Welding or TIG Welding class.
No special PPE is required to use the table.
If you are going to be using the table, write "fixture table" in the title field of your Skedda booking so other welders will know.
Use Case
The fixturing table allows you to position and clamp your work securely and precisely. It is particularly good for setting up rectilinear parts so that they meet at right angles. You can lay out and clamp a complete design and tack weld it while all parts are held in place to minimize distortion.
Please do your best to not get weld spatter on the table, so that work can be laid out flat on it.
Material Limits
The table is 36" x 48", but parts can overhang the edge.
The table has 5/8" holes on 2" centers. 16mm fixtures should generally work. A limited selection of clamps, stops, and V-blocks for holding round stock is kept on hand.
Universal Cleaning Guide
- Return the equipment to neutral.
- Sweep up any dust and debris around the tool, your table top, and the floor - both in the equipment area and your work area.
- Clear the floor of any tripping hazards, like power cords.
- Empty trash cans and dust collectors that are halfway full or more into the Asmbly dumpster behind the workshop.
- Leave the shop 110% better than you found it.
Tool Specific Cleaning Guide
- Wipe off any loose weld spatter.
- If there is significant weld spatter on the table, please file a problem report. Please do not grind the table.