
From Asmbly Wiki

Stewards are the volunteers who keep our space running! Machine maintenance, shop organization, space planning, and budgeting are all done by volunteer stewards.

Our Shop Stewards program has been developed and lead by Shop Supervisor Charlie Staley.

Each major area of the facility has a responsible individual who handles overall management, proposal reviews, work coordination, etc.

Area leads are listed here; the full stewards corps roster can be found in Discourse.

List of Area Leads

Steward Area
Charlie Staley Head Steward, Woodshop
Danny Miller Lasers
James Freeman CNC
Ethan Moore Metal Shop
Randall Ward 3D Printing
Charles Leininger Wood Turning
Stephannie Behrens Textiles
Mark Pictor Electronics

The stewards receive and report information at the workshop using QR Codes on Tool Tags on the machines.