From Asmbly Wiki
This page reflects leadership appointments at Asmbly. For details on our organization structure and leadership positions, see Organization.
- President - Jon Eklund
- Secretary - Jordan Varat
- Treasurer - Billy Nelson
- At-large - Valerie Wilmot
- At-large - James Freeman
Volunteer Leaders
- Executive Director - Valerie Wilmot
- Director of Outreach - Jordan Varat
- Lead CNC Steward - James Freeman
- Lead Metal Shop Machining Steward - Ethan Moore
- Lead Metal Shop Welding Steward - Savanna Harvey
- Lead Textiles Steward - Stephannie Behrens
- Lead 3D Printing Steward - Aneel Nazareth
- Lead Lasers Steward - Michael Leonard
- Lead Wood Lathe - Drew Hynes
- Lead Electronics - John Wickham
- Lead Woodshop Steward - Michael Doto
- Lead Woodshop Steward - Steve Wiesenthal
- Lead 3D Printing Steward - Enoch Riese (ended October)
- Lead Woodshop Steward - Charlie Staley (ended in August)
- Lead Woodshop Steward - Bill May (ended in July)
- Lead Wood Lathe - David Disko (ended in July)
- Lead Electronics - David Disko (ended in July)
Paid Staff
- Program Manager - Mikey Huff
- Facilities Coordinator - Robert Szabo
- Analytics & Automation Developer - Matthew Miller
- Education Coordinator - Evan Weinberger
- Education Coordinator - Adam Stow
- Membership & Volunteer Coordinator - Sid Holderbach
- General Manager - Shane Nestle (ended in August)
- Lead Instructor - David Disko (ended in July)
- President - Valerie Wilmot
- Secretary - Jon Eklund
- Treasurer - Billy Nelson
- At-large - Charlie Staley
Volunteer Leaders
- Executive Director - Valerie Wilmot
- Director of Operations - James Freeman
- Director of Facilities - Jon Eklund
- Shop Supervisor - Charlie Staley
- Director of Outreach - Jordan Varat (appointed in June)
Paid Staff
- General Manager - Shane Nestle (started in December)
- Education Coordinator - Matthew Miller
- Education Coordinator - Evan Weinberger (started in October)
- Membership Coordinator - Sid Holderbach (started in October)
- Membership Coordinator - Ashley Lee (ended in August)
- Lead Instructor - David Disko
- President - Valerie Wilmot
- Secretary - Jon Eklund
- Treasurer - Billy Nelson
- At-large - Charlie Staley
Volunteer Leaders
- Executive Director - Valerie Wilmot
- Director of Operations - James Freeman
- Director of Facilities - Jon Eklund
- Director of Development - Randall Ward
- Shop Supervisor - Charlie Staley
Paid Leaders
- Director of Education - David Disko
Paid Staff
- Membership Coordinator - Lisa Edwards
- Membership Coordinator - Ashley Lee
- Membership Coordinator - Matthew Miller
- President - Valerie Wilmot
- Secretary - Jon Eklund
- Treasurer - Billy Nelson
- At-large - Eric Peterson
- At-large - Joe Ngo
Volunteer Leaders
- Executive Director - Valerie Wilmot
- Director of Operations - Jon Eklund
- Director of Facilities - Eric Peterson
- Director of Education - Scott Wynd
- Director of Communication - Joe Ngo