Storage Policies

From Asmbly Wiki

Storage at Asmbly

In an effort to keep Asmbly clean and organized, we have rules about how materials and projects can be stored here.  You are required to take your projects with you when you leave for the day, however if circumstances prevent you from doing so there are options available.  Anything left at the space is at your own risk and likely to be discarded if it violates our storage policy as outlined below.  Each member is responsible for maintaining a safe, neat, and professional workspace.

Storage Policy Overview

  • Any items stored in the workshop must be in an approved storage area and require a storage ticket (hanging on the wall by the shop bathroom - fill the form out completely with name, date, and phone number).
  • Your items must be safely and neatly arranged.
  • There is no storage under the workbenches without documented special permission.
  • Failing to properly label stored items or exceeding the maximum storage time without documented approval may result in disposal of stored items.
    • Any items exceeding the maximum posted storage time will receive a text message, email, or Discourse post warning of their violation, then will be disposed of within 7 days.  If no contact information is provided, items may be disposed of at any time.

Refer to the image and table below for info on acceptable storage areas and max storage time allowed.

Storage Area Location Material Type Max Time
A orange metal shelf under loft sheet goods 7 days
B space to the right of shop bathroom vertical storage 7 days
C two shelves under paid storage loft projects 7 days
D two worktables nearest CNC router glue up and finishing large projects 24 hours
Other Other areas by Board approval only Board approved exemptions only Board approval only

Long-term Storage

If you have a project that is too big to take home with you every day, and will take more than 1 week to complete, you may request storage in area E (specials exemption area) by submitting an application BEFORE leaving items in the space.  

Storage area E is a very limited option that is accessed on a case to case basis depending on storage availability and storage size needs.  Requests for special exemption storage must include an estimate of space needed and length of time for project to be completed.  Note that long-term storage is only approved for 30 days at a time.  If you need more than 30 days, you will need to reapply.  You will also be asked to provide regular reports of project progress to the board as you work on it.

If you require routinely storing tools or materials at Asmbly, we have limited paid storage options available. Currently, we have 2'x2' spaces available for rent on a monthly basis for $25/space/month in the loft above storage area C and E. Email if you are interested in acquiring a space.

If you have any doubt about whether you are following the storage policy, immediately post on or email